
Rental Insurance Options

If you rent your home or residence instead of owning it like more than one third of Americans, it is just as important to purchase insurance for your dwelling and belongings. 

Renters insurance is important because most apartment complexes and landlords maintain insurance policies, but those types of policies do not offer protection for your personal belongings, or from household liability. A landlord insurance policy for a house that is being rented may offer some protection for your personal belongings, but it still does not protect you from costs due to bodily injuries or property damage for which you would otherwise be held liable. The list of ways that renters insurance can protect you is long. Call our office at 1-800-771-7758 to get free rental insurance quotes immediately, or click on any of the readmore buttons below to learn more.

More On Rental Insurance Options

Bundled Apartment Insurance Options

Just because you rent, doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to benefit from the money-saving alternative of multi-line or bundled apartment and auto insurance. This is simply a combination of insurance lines which companies like Allied sell at a discount when they are purchased together. 

When it comes to bundled apartment insurance you can combine coverage for any number of vehicles onto your policy and save up to 30% off of your auto insurance premiums! Motorcycles count too!

Rental Insurance Options

Apartment insurance coverage- or rental insurance, is just as important to a family or individual as  homeowners insurance is to someone who owns a home.  Allied rental insurance provides strong protection against almost any physical damage to your belongings.

Allied rental insurance even provides personal liability insurance standard to cover any household accidents that occur within your apartment for which you could otherwise be found responsible.