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Commercial Auto Insurance Options

Allied Commercial Auto Insurance - Free Quote

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Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance functions exactly the same way as passenger auto insurance, except that commercial auto insurance must provide much higher liability and property damage limits in order to pay for the higher costs of corporate and commercial responsibility.

When you own a business (especially a popular or well recognized one) the public expects a certain level of professionalism and financial responsibility from you and all of your employees. If your business involves the transportation of goods or services through the use of a motor vehicle, part of this expectation means that you must have strong enough commercial auto insurance to pay for any bodily injuries or property damage your vehicles or employees may cause during the course of their duties. 

Allied Commercial Auto Insurance

If there is any doubt in your mind as to whether or not your business or vehicle requires commercial auto insurance please do not hesitate to call and speak immediately with one of our helpful and informative SkyAgents® who can help you determine just how much auto insurance you need to be sufficiently protected as a proprietor of a business in your state.

Commercial Property Damage Insurance

Commercial auto insurance comes in many forms. The most basic and necessary being liability insurance. Liability options will not however- cover damage to your vehicle or your property.  To protect against damage due to collisions or what were formerly referred to as 'acts of god' such as: Fire, Theft, Vadalism, & falling objects, you'll need comprehensive commercial auto insurance. To protect your company vehicles, attached equipment, and any aesthetic improvements, you need  comprehensive  and collision auto insurance for commercial.

Commercial Liability Auto Insurance

Free quotes on liability coverage for commercial auto insurance from multiple brand-name providers are available instantly from the get quotes button below.  Commercial liability auto insurance can mean the difference between a few phone calls and the end of your business. We offer bodily injury, property damage, and both UM and UIM liability insurance.

Comprehensive & Collision Insurance

Comprehensive commercial auto insurance is a type of coverage that protects your company from costs due to property damage caused by any of a variety of ''perils or possible sources of damage. Some common coverage options under comprehensive protection are:

Animal Damage
Missiles (baseballs, projectiles, and other hurled or flying objects)
Falling objects (both natural and man-made)

Commercial collision insurance is almost self explanatory. A commercial collision insurance policy will protect your company vehicles and any attached equipment from damage or destruction due to to a collision with another vehicle, a stationary object, the earth (in the case of roll-overs or loss of control), and in some cases *animals. Collision auto insurance for a commercial vehicle will be the most expensive option in your commercial auto insurance, but it is also the portion of your auto insurance coverage under-which you are most likely to file a claim. This means that it's the type of commercial property damage insurance which you most need to protect yourself from the cost of accidents in company vehicles.  

Allied commercial auto insurance provides some of the lowest rates on commercial insurance available on the market, but that's still not good enough for our customers.

We got our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau by delivering the lowest prices on commercial auto insurance, not prices that are kinda' low.  When you call our office to retrieve your free Allied commercial auto insurance quotes, we will offer you competitive quotes from preferred providers like Allied as well as many other home and auto insurance providers. 

We shop hundreds of commercial auto insurance options so that you don't have to. Call our office at 1-800-771-7758 to get started today, or click on the button above to get started with your free commercial auto insurance quotes. 


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Allied Insurance is sold through independent agencies. SkyBlue Insurance Agency is licensed and operates in 28 states throughout the U.S. 
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